Donna Huntington, LMT MA#70869
Porter Chiropractic & Wellness MM#40079


I believe the best testimonial comes directly from the people I've helped.  Simply give me a call, and I'll be happy to connect you with them for referral.

In the meantime, here's a written testimonial:

"On my first appointment with Donna. Huntington LMT, I was immediately impressed by her professionalism. She took the time to interview me and get a clear idea of my medical history and the goals I had in seeking massage. She then tailored a massage program to my individual needs, and implemented it expertly. I have had limited mobility in my neck ever since an auto accident in 1988, and have had multiple therapies for it. After only two massages from her, I have gained more flexibility in my neck than I have had in all that time. She also recommended a set of exercises customized for my needs.

Her solid knowledge of muscular anatomy combined with her high level of skill make her a masseuse that I would highly recommend to anyone seeking massage, whether for therapeutic reasons or just relaxation."

  Ken Lathan
  Port Orange FL
  May 10, 2014